Retro Urban Couple Poster

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This Retro Urban Cartoon Couple Poster features the cartoon drawing of an elegantly decorated penthouse apartment overlooking a city skyline. The apartment features a green floor and a green brick wall. On the wall are four Classic Movie Martini Stretched Canvas Prints also available from StrangeLittleOnion's Zazzle store (hint hint!). Three of the prints feature turquoise backgrounds and one is on a black background. Beneath the canvas prints is a blue mid century modern sofa. A sophisticated raven-haired beauty is sitting on the sofa. She is wearing a classic little black dress with a hot pink bodice. On the opposite side of the room there is a suave tall dark and handsome man. He is wearing a black suit white shirt and green tie. In one hand he is holding a vinyl record album and in the other hand he is holding a fun album cover. On the floor there is an orange ottoman holding a green and black record player. Propped against the ottoman is another album cover with a record rolling out of the side. There are also three colorful vinyl albums scattered about the floor. Behind the man we can see through the sliding glass doors onto a green balcony. A white cat wearing a pink collar is perched on the edge of the balcony. Beyond the cat there is a breathtaking city skyline complete with skyscrapers and a yellow crescent moon. If this is how the other half lives sign me up!

#century #modern #cartoon #couple
